If the Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade, those who support a woman's right to choose should immediately file a gender discrimination lawsuit in every "trigger" state in the land.
At 73, I'm old enough to know unequal treatment under the law when I see it. How is it that a woman who wants to terminate her pregnancy in the next generation of “no abortion for any reason” states like Florida, Indiana and Nebraska, for example, could be convicted of a crime and sent to prison but the man who impregnates her won't suffer the same fate?
Apart from IVF, it takes a heterosexual couple to conceive a baby. Most often, that relationship is consensual; however, in the case of rape or incest it clearly isn't. Regardless of how she gets pregnant or her age, sending an unsuspecting young girl or grown woman to prison for having an abortion -- while the man who admits to getting her pregnant isn't tried, convicted and jailed -- is, by definition, discriminatory. Personally, I don't see how any judge in any trigger state could rule otherwise.
A woman's right to vote and Title IX science and sports opportunities are examples of equal treatment under the law. The same principle should apply to women seeking an abortion and the men who get them pregnant. The law is clear. There is no room in America for gender discrimination.
This battle has nothing to do with saving babies. It is all about putting a foot on the neck of every woman. It is sad that the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters aren't marching on the offices of their husbands, fathers, grandfather members of Congress.