Yes, this WILL be a talking point on FOXNews(?) - and campaign stumps and ads and the rest of the Repub Right's media screeds. It seems that no one right of center can actually face up to the truth that DJT - the EX-president - is a criminal con-man, more versed in the ways of the Mafia than democracy. Even after he declares bankruptcy (again) and flees to Turkey or Saudi Arabia or some such non-extraditing autocracy, MAGA types will still believe he's the legitimately elected president and represents the True American Ideals.
Yes, this WILL be a talking point on FOXNews(?) - and campaign stumps and ads and the rest of the Repub Right's media screeds. It seems that no one right of center can actually face up to the truth that DJT - the EX-president - is a criminal con-man, more versed in the ways of the Mafia than democracy. Even after he declares bankruptcy (again) and flees to Turkey or Saudi Arabia or some such non-extraditing autocracy, MAGA types will still believe he's the legitimately elected president and represents the True American Ideals.
I just don't understand how smart people can be so stupid.