Both parties are Pinocchio in my opinion. I watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX and read many blogs from both sides of the isle on a daily basis. It is now hard to know what is true or not! My mother's Democrat party has gone so far left that I don't recognize it, and the GOP of my father has gone too far right! Our country, as a whole, hopefully is not there! I am so upset at the Trumpists, and Trump...but I am equally as upset at BIDEN and his group of thieves. What does a person like me, and I think the majority of Americans, who don't believe either party, do now?
One of George Washington's biggest fears as he left office was that the newly created political parties of the time would become so tribal that the American people would lose! In my opinion, we have been at his fear point for too long now, and it is not getting better. All these committees from both sides...what have they proven? If Trump and his people are corrupt, throw them in jail. But at the same time, what about Hunter Biden, among others? We know the laptop exists and is real! We now had a partisan FBI agent resign yesterday due to bias against Republicans, and there seems to be more coming. In the early years of J Edgar Hoover, the FBI was corrupt against the it is corrupt against the right! WHERE IS JUSTICE FOR ALL?
PINOCCHIO? You bet...but let's be a little more fair, Denny!
Both parties are Pinocchio in my opinion. I watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX and read many blogs from both sides of the isle on a daily basis. It is now hard to know what is true or not! My mother's Democrat party has gone so far left that I don't recognize it, and the GOP of my father has gone too far right! Our country, as a whole, hopefully is not there! I am so upset at the Trumpists, and Trump...but I am equally as upset at BIDEN and his group of thieves. What does a person like me, and I think the majority of Americans, who don't believe either party, do now?
One of George Washington's biggest fears as he left office was that the newly created political parties of the time would become so tribal that the American people would lose! In my opinion, we have been at his fear point for too long now, and it is not getting better. All these committees from both sides...what have they proven? If Trump and his people are corrupt, throw them in jail. But at the same time, what about Hunter Biden, among others? We know the laptop exists and is real! We now had a partisan FBI agent resign yesterday due to bias against Republicans, and there seems to be more coming. In the early years of J Edgar Hoover, the FBI was corrupt against the it is corrupt against the right! WHERE IS JUSTICE FOR ALL?
PINOCCHIO? You bet...but let's be a little more fair, Denny!