Trump is dependable - to lie and make proclamations (and Executive Orders) that he has no/every intention of carrying out.

His executive strategy is exemplified by his "speaking style": random, illogical, fanciful, non-sequiturial, meant to be confusing, so that any statement or action can be denied or implemented later, depending on how the polls look. "The Weave" governing style?

That results in chaos, which is exactly what we've seen. Nobody knows what to do - businesses, farmers, citizens - because no one can project the future. That puts everything in his control. A winning spotrs strategy is to keep the opponent guessing - don't be predictable.

Get used to it. Prices will continue to rise, supply chains will be disrupted, employment (gov't & private) will be unreliable as companies hedge their bets because of an unknown marketplace.

The gov't is firmly in his tiny hands for now - with only the courts able to counter, if they will, and if they find a way to enforce a judgement. Trump said he will obey the courts but, like everything else he says, he may not follow through on that.

Al Green made a point by forcing the Speaker to remove him. AOC, Patty Murray & others showed initiative by not attending. The Democrats in attendance sat on theie hands and bowed to the King. They didn't even BOO in response to the Republican cheers. What cowards. It's time for new Democratic Leadership. And new electeds. And courage.

It's time for democrats, independents disaffected republicans and unaffiliated voters to coalesce around removing his compliant congress & senate in 2026. If he has 4 years, it will result in decades of living in America - the newest 3rd World sh*!hole.

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I really like the analysis of Rick Young as well.

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The only campaign pledge that Trump is coming through on is his obsession with getting rid of immigrants, although just exactly which ones he is referring to is unclear.

Also, in the LA Times today they debunked his theory that immigrants have far higher crime rates than citizens. Actually, the reverse is true.

The LA Times has not actually been on the forefront of criticism regarding Trump’s second presidency but today's paper is replete with articles exposing the flaws and inaccuracies

of the first month of his second term.

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