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Trump would be a fool to debate Kamala again. He got thorougly trounced the last time by pretty much everyone's reckoning (even his own, apparently) although he would never admit it. He may not be my idea of a good president - or even a good human being - but he's no fool when iy comes to reading the room. And he knows that debate stage is one room too far.

His only hope is to stand and slander, act like an angry 3rd grader, and lie so loudly and often no one has time to contest his falsehoods. He knows he will not likely attract new voters, so he will exhort his staff of lawyers to sue states and encourage local politicians to change the rules on who can vote and how the votes are counted. And then use the confusion caused by those tactics to claim fraud and delay results and, hopefully, throw the election to the House, which might give him the edge, depending on whether the House remains majority Republican or the Dems take charge.

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