I, for one, will not forgive - or forget - those who voted against reasonable gun legislation, impeaching 45 (especially since they were given the opportunity for a 'do-over'), voted to not confirm Obama's Supreme Court nominee, or continue to say the 2020 election was fraudulent and helped foment an insurrection.

Forgiving any of them lets them off the hook, allowing them to not take their responsibulities as our legislators and national leaders seriously.

The MAGA catch phrase is counter to the thruth as interpreted by the conservative movement. America was seen as great when it was the world leader in innovation, science, progress, developing a middle class through economic, social and educational policies, etc. We developed polio vaccines, landed on the moon, invented microchips and the internet.

That sort of forward-thinking and willingness to make change and invest in the future is what made America great.

I will not forgive those who want to take us back to the guilded age and Jim Crow.

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Just saw breaking news from NYT that Maine has joined Colorado in throwing DT off the ballot.

Hooray hooray - how many more will join and what happens if all states but Michigan say no to his run?

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Just read the Post article. So cowardly for those former Senators admit to that they should have. I know many of the current Senate and House members would like to do the right thing - both on the issue of abortion and guns, but are afraid to. That amazes me and frustrates me. Afraid to vote the right way? Wow.

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What Senators say they did not make the right decision?

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