My first comment disappeared so this will be much shorter. I cannot imagine coming to terms with any of Trump’s unsettling views because they are all based on faulty premises. One need only look at the background and behavior of his biggest fans to find the lack of veracity, morality
and humanity in their past and present actions and view…
My first comment disappeared so this will be much shorter. I cannot imagine coming to terms with any of Trump’s unsettling views because they are all based on faulty premises. One need only look at the background and behavior of his biggest fans to find the lack of veracity, morality
and humanity in their past and present actions and viewpoints. Those who voted for him are in for some big surprises and for the decent ones, some guilt ridden trips. As my aunt used to say, « you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I resent so much that someone of Trump’s moral fiber has been elected. Shame on us!
My first comment disappeared so this will be much shorter. I cannot imagine coming to terms with any of Trump’s unsettling views because they are all based on faulty premises. One need only look at the background and behavior of his biggest fans to find the lack of veracity, morality
and humanity in their past and present actions and viewpoints. Those who voted for him are in for some big surprises and for the decent ones, some guilt ridden trips. As my aunt used to say, « you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I resent so much that someone of Trump’s moral fiber has been elected. Shame on us!