Denny, I don't think any of these three really have contributed much to the science, or to the knowledge of "space flight". They've spent billions (hundreds of millions of which came out of taxpayers' pockets) using existing technology to do 'tricks' - landing a tiny launch rocket on a platform at sea is about the only thing new that happened. Sir Richard flew to 53 miles above the earth (the atmosphere continues another 6,000 miles) in a craft based on Burt Rutan's decades old design. Nothing any of these three (Branson, Musk, Bezos) have done gets us any closer to establishing viable colonies in space. We already know how to get to Mars and how long it will take. NASA just can't justify or fund it. For good reason - space wants to kill us, and will, and as of now we can't get past that fact. Better that these 3 use their money & influence to establish a viable, sustainable life on THIS planet. The flight was a prime example of Rich Boys' Toy wars, taken to an absurd level. In my opinion, anyway...

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Rick: One of my friends said he wishes all three billionaires would spend more time exploring the depths of the oceans than space. I'm not sure you and I will live long enough to see the real impact these first flights are going to have on humanity. My guess is little Howie might. On a related matter, what if these space flights pave the way for super, super, super speedy air travel from Italy to Calif. (for example). I could imagine it taking 2 hours some day. Just my big, fat opinion...

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Yep, I would like a 2 hour trip to get to see you in Laguna. That would be fun! However, we already have supersonic passenger aircraft - it's just too expensive (and carbon intensive) to be sustainable. Elon's high-speed tunnels are a nice idea, but Europe & Asia already have high-speed electric trains that could get me from Spokane to Laguna in about 6 hours with a much lower carbon cost and in much greater comfort. We're reaching a tipping point where we need to start thinking seriously about our wasteful and unsustainable lifestyles and start figuring out how we can continue to do things we enjoy without destroying our grandchildren's planet. I don't really see the seeds of that in the exploits of these three men. I see self-promotion and branding, and that's about it. Back to you, Denny...

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Right now, I'd settle for a super fast way to knock down forest fires.

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I'm with you on this one, 110%! It's smoky as heck here with raging lightning-caused fires on every side. You, of course, living in/near Laguna Canyon, are well acquainted with devastating wild fires.

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