In foreign lands, some American travelers have learned to leave the bling, Rolexes and diamonds at home when they go out to public places. I say that’s smart.

Car-jacking harms not only the victims but also the community spirit and reputation. Stronger police presence and proper convictions well publicized will curtain the criminals at home.

Otherwise, crime pays. Ask T-Rump. Accountability or some old story and results.

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Has it come to this? I think I saw this in a Sci-Fi movie several years ago. But joking aside, I don't know what the answer is, but certainly more law enforcement, security guards at malls like this, tougher laws. I can't believe that we can live in a society where you can't drive your real car, women can't go out wearing their jewelry or even dressed up. No, this is America, not a third world country. Somehow with all the law enforcement, we are still missing the mark.

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You forgot to include UCLA🥳.

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