Happy to add The Times to the list of newspapers that already have published versions of my water czar letter (the first of which appeared in 2014). These include the Sacramento Bee, San Francisco Chronicle, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Desert Sun, The Hill and several other publications.
Michael Kiparsky writes, “Legal records for older rights — some dating from the 19th century but still binding today — are scattered in 58 county courthouses and repositories.” He adds, “Given the lack of data, it is immensely difficult to resolve conflicts or manage shortages.”
If ever there was a clarion call for a state water czar, this is it.
We need one person in charge of ensuring the state has enough water, who is able to make decisions that transcend geographic boundaries, water district politics and partisan gridlock. Think of this person like the director of the FBI. With the appropriate checks and balances in place, a water czar could have similar powers in Sacramento.
We have a model in place that allows certain, key people to operate at a level unlike most everyone else. It is time California finds someone to be that person on water, which is key to our survival.
Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach