According to a feature story on the front page of today’s Los Angeles Times, things rightfully have reached the boiling point over drugging and assault claims on SC’s fraternity and sorority row. Here’s my reaction:
It's been more than 50 years since I lived in the Kappa Sigma house on 28th Street (USC's fraternity and sorority row). Back then, a boy could get kicked out of school if found in a girl's dorm or sorority house bedroom. Today, they practically live together from the first day of their freshman year.
I'm not going to sugar-coat it: young men in the 1960s wanted the same thing their counterparts want today. The main difference is today hundreds, if not thousands, of lookie-loos can witness your antics in bed, whereas half a century ago virtually no one, except the two involved, knew what had happened between the sheets.
I'm no prude, but young men who drug coeds in order to have non-consensual sex should suffer serious consequences for their behavior. These include stiff fines, jail terms, and a never-ending Internet posting that identifies the guilty party as a predator.