First, some background:
If, as Jackie Calmes of the L.A. Times writes, "Congress is betraying its role as the first branch of government," then don't expect the institution to serve as a check or balance on the president (who heads the second branch). In other words, whatever Donald Trump wants, the House and Senate will, with virtually no push back, deliver.
Second, this happened on Tuesday:
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said federal workers “don’t deserve” their paychecks during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.
“Those are not real jobs producing federal revenue, by the way. They’re consuming taxpayer dollars. Those jobs are paid for by the American tax people, who work real jobs, earn real income, pay federal taxes and then pay these federal employees,” Greene concluded.
Third, here's a $600M idea:
Ms. Greene has a point, so allow me to add my two cents. Here's a way to cut government spending by more than $600 million dollars: First, fire all 535 members of Congress. At an average salary of $174,000, this will save $91 million; second, because there are no members to assist, fire all congressional staffers. My guess is there are at least 6,000 jobs that can be eliminated. With an average salary of $90,000, this could save $540 million; and third, slash the number of Capitol Hill police officers to a bare minimum (since their only job would be to stand watch over an empty building instead of having to protect lawmakers, aides or tourists).
Marjorie Taylor Greene has a way with words, doesn't she? It's time "American tax people" hold her feet to the fire. Because she introduced only 1 bill that became law during the last Congress, MTG definitely doesn't deserve her federal paycheck. If you ask me, she should be the first lawmaker to be shown the door.
Love it!
Great idea, Denny. After all the Senate & Congress and their staff are fired, we could let our individual states keep the federal taxes collected and spend them for the benefit of the state. That way, each state gets what its residents want - and are willing to pay for. Meaning states like California, Washington and New York will keep a lot more of their revenue to make life better while states like those red southern & "middle America" states that elect folks like MTG & Trumpmusk will find themselves on a self-inflicted austerity program.
Or, maybe California, Oregon & Washington (& a few other "net tax loss" states) could just secede from the union. And build a wall between us & Idaho, Nevada & Arizona.
Or, maybe, we can just encourage people to make better choices, which should be easier by the time the mid-terms come around.