The news coming out of Ukraine is shocking. What is equally shocking are the number of American "influencers" (like Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Rep. Elise Stefanik and Gov. Kristi Noem) who are either siding with Vladimir Putin or attacking Joe Biden.
Despite numerous world leaders asking Putin for weeks to pull back his troops, the Russian president gave the signal Wednesday night for his military to advance. While U.S. troops are not in direct combat with Russian forces, I think it's clear we may be heading into a yet to be defined, new version of the Cold War. If this is true, then there will be plenty of time to second-guess Biden's initial peace efforts. But not now.
Trump, Carlson, Stefanik and Noem may have a certain amount of intelligence at their fingertips, but nothing compares to the amount of information Biden has. I'm experienced enough to know all of them want to score political points with their followers, but someone needs to ask: At what point does supporting Putin or attacking Biden cross the line between loyal opposition and outright tyranny?
I'm not going to sugar-coat it. We are living in dangerous times. Witness the fact Putin said earlier this week he has nuclear weapons at the ready if any nation dares to use its military might to stop Russia's takeover of Ukraine. Think about that before taking your next sip of coffee this morning.
Now is not the time for any influencer to go rogue just for the sake of grabbing a few headlines. Set aside your political differences and publicly support the President of the United States. Buckle up and put country ahead of party. It's what true patriots do in times of crisis. So do the right thing, people. Repeat: Do the right thing.
Yes. Do the right thing. And support the President and the United States of America!
The GOP is getting scary