Back in 1989, one man stood in front of a column of tanks leaving Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the day after the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Tiananmen protests. The iconic photo that was taken that fateful day has been seen by tens of millions of freedom-loving people all over the world.
Yesterday, one fearless man stood in front of advancing Russian tanks, two days after Vladimir Putin's forces began their unprovoked invasion of Ukraine (see the photo below). My guess is that heroic moment already has been seen by tens of millions of people around the globe.
I wonder how many Americans would put their lives on the line if foreign tanks were rolling through the streets of New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle, or San Francisco? Closer to home, what would people do if tanks were on the move in Laguna? Would anyone stand in their way on Coast Hwy. or Forest Avenue?
War brings out the best and worst in people. As I watch events unfold in Ukraine from the comfort of my home, I can't begin to imagine the shock, confusion and sadness Ukrainians of all ages must be experiencing now. Absent standing in front of a Russian tank, have you thought about ways to help the people of Ukraine?
Kahlil Gibran once wrote, “Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” As freedom-loving Americans, let’s do everything we can to lift the spirits of all Ukrainians so they can live in peace, liberty and freedom.