I was just in Seattle this past weekend visiting my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Before leaving SEA-TAC Airport for their home, I sat down to recharge my cell. That’s when I had a very nice conversation with a young woman.
What first caught my eye was the battered ukulele case she was carrying. When I asked if she was a musician, she told me, “I’m an artist-songwriter about to leave on a one-year ‘inspirational’ trip around the world.” When I asked her what songs she has written, she said, “They’re kinda Bob Dylan-ish.”
That’s when I asked if her parents liked the idea of her traveling alone? Without hesitating, she replied, “My dad hasn’t been in the picture for years but my mom, who teaches math, understands my need to see the world. Today, I’m off to Costa Rica.”
Without skipping a beat, she then asked me, “Have you ever dropped everything and traveled?” I told her I had. “Back in 1973, before I turned 25, I sailed a thousand miles off the coast of Kenya to surf in the Seychelles.” Somewhat impressed, she then asked, “Were you ever scared traveling alone?” I told her, “No, but I probably should have been.”
Just then, it was time for the young woman with the battered ukulele case to board her plane. When she got up, I couldn’t help but notice her very scuffed boots. With my “dad hat” firmly in place, I told myself, “If our paths ever cross again, I’ll buy her some new shoes.”
So bon voyage young lady. Don’t forget to send your mom postcards from afar. I’m sure she will cherish them.
Glad you kept the ‘dad’ hat on. Touching encounter…