Because so many employees coast to coast have refused to roll up their sleeves, numerous states — like Calif., Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey and others — now have COVID shot mandates in place. With this in mind, I trust you will find today’s post of interest.
It's up to you: Will it be jab or job?
With more COVID shot mandates looming, millions of anti-vaxxers are going to have to make a decision soon: Get a jab or lose their job.
Because I am 73 and retired, I know what I would do if faced with this same dilemma 30 or 40 years ago. Thankfully, my three grown children and two daughters-in-law, who range in ages from 27 to 41, all have rolled up their sleeves. When I see nurses, teachers and various first responders, who are the same age as my kids, refusing to get vaccinated, I don't just worry ... I get angry.
Don't these people understand we are at war with a deadly virus? Don't they realize the longer they remain unvaccinated, the longer the COVID pandemic will last? Apparently they either don't know or don't care. Neither is acceptable to me.
I get it if someone doesn't want a tetanus shot. Why? Because the impact of that decision only affects one person. You simply can't say the same thing about someone refusing to get a COVID shot. That decision easily could impact a dozen family members, neighbors or colleagues at work. Which brings me back to that three-letter word: jab or job.
Failing to get a COVID shot means you not only could lose your job, you also could lose your pension and employer-sponsored health care. In other words, you could end up broke and sick within months of being terminated. Do you really want that to happen?
The news is filled with stories about unvaccinated hospital patients telling reporters, "I wish I'd gotten a COVID shot." Many of them ended up passing away days later. Doctors believe the vast majority of those who died would still be alive if they had they had gotten the "J" word.
So here it is people in plain English. Do you want to keep your job, pay your bills, save money for your retirement and keep yourself and family healthy, or do you want to lose your job, go on welfare, live hand to mouth, and become gravely ill in the prime of your life?
Time is running out. Which three-letter word are you going to pick? Will it be jab or job?