GOP Gov. Henry McMasters’ recent comment is eerily similar to entertainer Ted Nugent’s remark several years ago. That’s when he said, “Democrats, the media and academics should be shot like rabid coyotes.”
Both McMasters and Nugent claim their statements were made in jest, but I don’t find anything they have said funny.
I am a 70-something father of three and grandpa to two who loves this country. As a lifelong Democrat, I have helped many people seek elective office – including Barack Obama when few knew his name. Unlike Nugent, I never have advocated violence against Republicans, the alt-right media or ultra-conservative professors. That’s what terrorists do.
Gov. McMasters is an unpatriotic American. To remain silent in the wake of his comment is, in a word, to be “complicit.” I urge all elected officials, regardless of their political affiliation, to immediately repudiate his hate-filled comment in the strongest words possible.