Stu News Laguna does not print responses to a response. Translation, I wrote a letter, John Jenal responded with a letter, but SNL won’t publish my reply. So, if anyone reading the following knows Mr. Jenal, who lives in Laguna, please forward my response to him. Thanks.
Reply to John Jenal: Let's meet for coffee
My thanks to John Jenal for his letter to the editor. On the plus side, he spelled my name correctly. Not everyone does. On the minus side, he omitted the obvious: It was Donald Trump who proclaimed Barack Obama an illegitimate president (because he wasn't born in the United States). Despite the fact Mr. Trump said he had proof, he never presented it.
I have been involved in Democratic politics for more than 50 years. Yes, a few of my Laguna friends whispered Trump was illegitimate in 2016, but none came close to the ugly, unfounded barrage of "birther" accusations Trump and his followers made five years earlier.
Because I don't know Mr. Jenal, allow me to make this offer: Let's meet for coffee to discuss our political differences. Email me at if you like this idea.
Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach
I'm sure you will be wasting your time as people like this are not open to listening and are very rigid when it comes to their beliefs.