Last Tuesday, Stu News Laguna published my letter entitled, “Will democracy survive the mid-term elections?” Yesterday, Stu News published John Jenal’s response. Since I don’t know Mr. Jenal, I’m thinking of inviting him for coffee so we can discuss our political differences.
Will democracy survive the mid-term elections?
President Biden’s address to the nation last Thursday evening was a clarion call to save democracy. How can democracy survive if its bedrock foundation, free and fair elections, continues to be undermined and attacked by millions of people claiming to be patriotic Americans? Simply put, it can’t.
Looking ahead to the November mid-terms, I have two overarching questions: First, if local, GOP candidates like Michelle Steel, Diane Dixon and Scott Baugh lose, will they claim their defeats are the result of rigged elections? And second, will they clog the courts with the same unfounded examples of ballot tampering that judges, appointed by both Republican and Democratic presidents, rejected in 2020?
Election deniers inspired by Donald Trump are running for high-profile, statewide offices coast to coast. My guess is many more deniers, some of whom may live in Orange County, are seeking city council, school board or water board seats as well. To each of them I ask this question: Which is more important, your winning based on discredited, unproven “truths” about rigged results or democracy enduring based on free, fair and legitimate elections? I support the president’s call to action.
Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach
Disappointed in claims of previous letter
I was highly disappointed that such a partisan and divisive letter was published in Stu News this week. It appears Denny Freidenrich has been “off the grid” for the last six years. There were incessant claims from DNC leadership, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Biden Administration personnel and DNC media hacks that President Trump was “illegitimate” and “stole the election.” Where was Denny Freidenrich for the last six years? His attack on “millions of people” and supporting President Biden’s “call to action” is detrimental to our civility and our Country. Incendiary rhetoric based on the demonization of one political party over and over never ends well.
Freidenrich, President Biden and media operatives would be wise to read and embrace President George Washington’s Farewell Address. Many of the issues we face today and, together as a Nation, he prophetically advised future generations so that we could remain a cohesive and prosperous Country. One of the key points of the Address was the warning that the worst enemy of government was loyalty to party over Nation.
Both sides of the aisle need to study this invaluable Address.
John Jenal, Laguna Beach
Where has he been? I don’t remember anyone saying trump’s election was rigged or illegitimate.