The current statewide mask mandate reads in part: "Everyone in California must wear a mask in indoor public spaces and workplaces. This order is in effect December 15, 2021 to February 15, 2022."
Seems clear, right? Wrong. A check of Orange County's nine largest grocery store chains reveal different interpretations of the mandate. For example:
Ralphs, Trader Joe's and Pavilions, which together operate more than 50 percent of OC's 70 largest grocery stores, require all their employees to wear masks; but, according to store managers at each location, corporate policies prohibit them from confronting unmasked customers. I wonder what mask policies Gelson's, Stater Bros., Aldi, Mother's Market, Whole Foods and Bristol Farms have on their books?
According to several sources, COVID has claimed 6,000 OC lives and infected 500,000 county residents. I'm not going to say grocery stores are responsible for these incredibly high numbers, but they aren't without blame either. For the safety of their customers, and all of us for that matter, my hope is Orange County's grocery stores will rigorously enforce the statewide mask mandate.