Since Feb. 24, when Russian forces first invaded Ukraine, the fighting there has dominated the news. Almost without exception, the daily coverage of the war in Ukraine has been the top story morning, noon and night. That is, until another war replaced it earlier this week.
Make no mistake about it, the Republican Party's long-held desire to abolish abortion, even in the case of rape or incest, may soon become a reality here in America. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, numerous GOP-controlled states immediately will launch their all-out attacks on women. How else can you explain it?
If women in those states want to terminate their pregnancies, for whatever reason, they could face prosecution and lengthy jail time. And the men who got them pregnant? As far as I know, they will be free to walk away without any penalty at all. So call it what you want. Me? I prefer a GOP war on women.
Some pro-life conservatives I know already have begun quietly celebrating the fact their prayers about abortion are about to be answered. If you ask me, that's almost as crazy as Vladimir Putin continuing to call Russia's invasion of Ukraine a special military operation, not a war. Who is he kidding? Who are they (the Republicans) kidding?