I think that I probably told you a million times that I taught US History, even Honors’ level for many years and only got so far each year as WWII, mostly the European chapter. In fact, in college we never did seem to learn much about the Pacific theater in which my stepfather fought.
As penance for this huge failing, I am trying to learn more about that part of the war. I had heard of the Bataan Death March and decided I should learn more about it. And so I began, and am halfway through my third book by Hampton Shields ( whom I actually met at a book show at ASU) about 8 years ago. He is a compelling non- fiction writer who has recently had his latest novel about the exploits of Captain Cook on The NY Times Bestselling list. He is way overdue for a Pulitzer. Anyway,
I am now reading his Ghost Soldiers for which he received an award. Beware, small print! Lynn
Correction: Hampton Sides!
Yes, I hadn’t gotten there yet.
I think that I probably told you a million times that I taught US History, even Honors’ level for many years and only got so far each year as WWII, mostly the European chapter. In fact, in college we never did seem to learn much about the Pacific theater in which my stepfather fought.
As penance for this huge failing, I am trying to learn more about that part of the war. I had heard of the Bataan Death March and decided I should learn more about it. And so I began, and am halfway through my third book by Hampton Shields ( whom I actually met at a book show at ASU) about 8 years ago. He is a compelling non- fiction writer who has recently had his latest novel about the exploits of Captain Cook on The NY Times Bestselling list. He is way overdue for a Pulitzer. Anyway,
I am now reading his Ghost Soldiers for which he received an award. Beware, small print! Lynn