Pro-Life advocates claim that 63 million abortions have been performed since Roe v. Wade in 1973. I have no way of proving if that is true or not, but I do know this: Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe, both sides of the abortion issue have begun gearing up for the 2022 mid-term elections this fall. Clearly, the results of '22 will have a dramatic impact on the 2024 presidential election.
If I still was in the business of campaign management, which I am not, then I would be doing everything in my power to identify and urge the millions of women who have had abortions to tell their stories and, thus, become effective agents of change at the voting booth. Don't get me wrong. I support those marching since Friday's Supreme Court ruling; but, protesting isn't going to change the minds of Senate GOP lawmakers. Here's what will: Voting them out of office.
I could go on and on about this topic, but here's the bottom line: If you have had an abortion and are silently sitting on the sidelines, then you are doing exactly what Republicans hope you will do. Nothing! Is this the legacy you want to leave? Would you be sitting on the sidelines if the Supreme Court had overturned a woman's right to vote last week? Of course not, so why is this any different?
Obvioulsy, not all 60-plus million women who have had abortions since Roe in 1973 still are alive today; but, tens of millions of women are. I urge you to use your collective power to elect senators who will protect a woman's right to choose (just as you did). Come November, vote, vote, vote.
Thought for your life Ladies. Vote out politicians who refuse to support women's rights.
Ladies, you know what to do in November!!!!