Before you faint, let me explain. Given the reaction of Republican office holders and MAGA supporters to the FBI's search earlier this week at Mar-a-Lago, I am afraid we are rapidly approaching the point of no return.
Calls for the name and address of the federal judge who approved the search warrant, coupled with tweets like "Death to Merrick Garland" and "Let the Civil War Begin" not only are outrageous, they are, in my opinion, the roots of anarchy.
And if you are looking to people like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to tamp down the rhetoric forget it. Here's what he tweeted yesterday: “If you are an elected Republican, and you are staying quiet while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power — you are the very reason they think they can get away with it. NOW is the time to speak up and be LOUD!”
Other GOP leaders chimed in with comments like "Defund the FBI" and "The FBI's 'search' was more like a Nazi Gestapo raid." With comments like these, it's no wonder people are worried about America’s future.
You know who's not worried? Donald Trump. Instead of urging calm, he's fund raising off the FBI's search at Mar-a-Lago. I'm sorry, but a former president remaining silent while his supporters fill the airwaves and social media with hate-filled comments is beyond appalling. If you ask me, this is what led to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol last year, and easily could lead to a similar riot at the FBI building this year.
Mr. Trump, if you truly love this country, then please tell your GOP and MAGA friends to dial back the rhetoric. Do the honorable thing. America needs you now more than ever.
To expect any cooperation from Trump to dial down any rhetoric from his party is a pipe dream.
He is the worst xpres and human ever. He loves all this and doesn't care what it leads to. What he said is right about pleading the 5th and that's why he did it.