First. Between 1942 and 1945, approximately 120,000 Japanese Americans were rounded up and sent to 10 camps in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Arkansas. Given what I heard during the GOP convention, Donald Trump wants to: (1) create camps for upwards of 15 million illegals living in America; and, (2) deport 1 million illegals a year.
I'm no math genius, but I can add and subtract. Trump's plan will take 15 years to complete at an unknown cost of billions of dollars. If the creation of camps for 120,000 Japanese Americans was one of this nation's worst mistakes, then what will historians eventually say about 15 million people being rounded up and forced to live who knows where?
Second. Despite all of Donald Trump's chest-beating about the Supreme Court justices he nominated and their ruling to strike down Roe v. Wade, I thought abortion would be a hot topic at the GOP convention. But no. The "A" word was MIA. This was especially true when the former president made his acceptance speech Thursday evening. I'm guessing Republicans know abortion is their Achilles heel (another “A” word). I doubt Democrats will give them a pass at their convention next month.
Third. Two weeks before I entered 7th grade, my dad, who’d been a delegate to the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, introduced me to then-Sen. John F. Kennedy near the San Francisco Airport. It was a moment I never have forgotten because two months later Kennedy was elected President.
After watching Kid Rock entertain the GOP faithful before Donald Trump gave his acceptance speech, I have to say the delegates truly looked determined. They also looked a bit odd. Honestly, I have never seen so many terrible dancers in one place.
I don't know if the delegates to the upcoming Democratic Convention are planning to dance; but, if they are, then I hope they take lessons between now and mid-August. I'd hate to think future 7th graders watching one or both conventions might carry for a lifetime the memory of delegates dancing like Elaine did on "Seinfeld."
I couldn’t bring myself to watch it.